Information: TraceTogether(App/Token)
Just like many people, the introducing of TraceTogether being mandatory, leading me to be confuse on the purpose and what the app/token does.
The Rolling out of TraceTogether
The news was known where TraceTogether entry became compulsory when visiting Singapore cinemas from 16 November[1]. The news were later announced that the usage of TraceTogether would be mandatory by end of December in preparing for phase three[2].
There were many uncertain information and confusion of TraceTogether and the need of using them since many people are used to scanning QR code / NRIC to gain access to most public places. I had gathered a few important questions listed below:
Qn: Does TraceTogether app/token replace SafeEntry?
This was the first question I went searching for answer as it would have been great that TraceTogether app/token replace SafeEntry rather than doing both.
Unfortunately, your TraceTogether app/token does not replace SafeEntry. The following is taken from TraceTogether FAQs:
How do TraceTogether and SafeEntry work together? Is SafeEntry still required since there is TraceTogether?
TraceTogether helps MOH identify people who were in close proximity with COVID-19 cases during the infectious period, while SafeEntry helps COVID-19 cases remember the places that they’ve been to so that MOH can spot potential clusters. These two systems work together to increase the speed and accuracy of MOH’s contact tracing efforts.
The above does not really helps to clear my doubt in using both TraceTogether and SafeEntry until my friend’s explanation. Because TraceTogether app/token does not collect or use physical location data, in order to track user’s whereabout, Ministry of Health (MOH) could only track based on SafeEntry check-in.
Qn:Does TraceTogether app/token tracks user’s whereabout ?
The following is taken from TraceTogether FAQs:
Can TraceTogether track the location of all phones installed with the TraceTogether App?
No. The TraceTogether App does not collect or use physical location data (e.g. GPS, WiFi fingerprinting, cell ID). It only records proximity via Bluetooth. This means that it is impossible for us to identify or track a user’s location within Singapore.
The App doesn’t identify “where” the exposure to COVID-19 cases may have occurred. It only seeks to establish “who” else might have been exposed to the virus.
Contact tracers will still have to obtain physical location information for activity mapping through verbal interviews.
If you are into technical aspects, you may want to refer to Meshead’s post on TraceTogether:A Technical Look and Roland Turner’s post on TraceTogether Token Teardown Time!.
Qn: What happens when I lost my Token ?
This was the second question i went searching because such a portable devices, you may ended up losing it.
While I could not find the information from TraceTogether FAQs, I did find the information from Token Go Where website. The following is taken from Token Go Where FAQs:
What happens if I lose my Token or it is damaged? Will I have to pay to replace it?
You may visit any Community Centre/Club (CC) that has started the distribution exercise, to have it replaced. Please bring in your damaged/faulty Token for replacement (if applicable). For the latest list of distribution venues, please check TokenGoWhere ( There is no charge to replace faulty or damaged Tokens. The first replacement of lost Tokens will also be free.
Qn: Does the light indicators of Token means anything?
The following is taken from TraceTogether FAQs:
How will I know if the Token is functioning? What happens if my Token is not working?
Ensure that the green light on the Token is blinking. When the Token is functioning properly, the green light should be blinking once every minute. If you see a red, blinking light, this means the Token is not working. Please call the hotline (6973 6511) for assistance.
But in another question taken from TraceTogether FAQs:
How is the TraceTogether Token powered? Do we need to change its battery?
The Token’s battery is expected to last 6 months and is non-rechargeable. In the event of a low battery (indicated by a blinking red light), please call our service hotline 69736511 or email for the latest information on service assistance.
Hence, I am confuse with blinking red light indication whether it is referring to low battery or not working status. In event of a low battery, what should the user do ? That would be something worth expanding in their FAQs website in the future.
Qn: What happens to people who does not own a mobile phone for Safe Entry ?
Where younger generation having the privileges to understand technology, many elderly does not own a mobile phone. Instead, they would access places by scanning their NRIC. So in event where mandatory TraceTogether token/app roll out, what are the steps for people who does not own a mobile phone for Safe Entry ? Would TraceTogether token be sufficient enough for people who does not own a mobile phone to access public places like supermarket ?
For more FAQs, you may want to refer to TraceTogether FAQs website and Token Go Where FAQs website.
Unlike the introducing of Safe Entry , where it is simple to use either QR scanning (through 3rd party app/Singpass app) or scan via NRIC to access, the current TraceTogether does not provide enough information for clarification.
Since TraceTogether is providing a wider audience, the information provided should be simple and concise.
Providing Scenario Steps
Instead of listing information and providing answer at TraceTogether FAQs and Token Go Where FAQs, it would be more useful to provide an example how to access places with TraceTogether app/token and when SafeEntry is needed. For example:
Scenario 1: Accessing shopping mall (when TraceTogether app/token being mandatory)
What would be the steps for me to access the shopping mall ? I would assume to let scanner to scan either TraceTogether app/token followed by doing SafeEntry (via TraceTogether app) to enter.
What about elderly who does not own a mobile phone ? How would they access the shopping mall ? I would assume to let scanner to scan their TraceTogether token followed by doing scanning NRIC.
Scenario 2: Accessing a shop in a shopping mall (when TraceTogether app/token being mandatory)
While I don’t expect all shops to have a scanner to scan my TraceTogether app/token, I would still believe to use SafeEntry check-in (via TraceTogether app) for entering the shop.
Raising awareness mandatory use of TraceTogether app
Regardless of having the TraceTogether token or not, you have to download TraceTogether app for your SafeEntry check-in. This was not really stated bluntly and as a user, I would still assume to use 3rd party QR Code app or Singpass app to do SafeEntry.
Unfortunately, the answer is no. In future, SafeEntry could only be done with TraceTogether app.
Hence, with a month left before the mandatory of TraceTogether, it would be good to starts reminding people to download TraceTogether app for the SafeEntry.
Providing more Information to Business on how they going to scan QR codes on token
The following is taken from The Strait Times ‘s article:
Q: How does TraceTogether-only SafeEntry work?
A: The TraceTogether app includes a function for users to scan SafeEntry QR codes that are displayed at venues.
The token comes with a QR code that can be scanned for entry.
Businesses will have to download a separate SafeEntry (Business) scanning app on any smartphone that will allow them to scan the QR codes on tokens.
It would be good to inform the business early so they could start preparing.
p/s: I wrote the above point because personally , I am worry about either I am not prepared to do SafeEntry (never install TraceTogether app) or the shop is not prepared to scan the token which at the end I have to do SafeEntry via TraceTogether app.
While the mandatory use of TraceTogether app or token may / may not bring inconvenience to people, these are all the little efforts each and everyone takes to tackle COVID-19.
Let us continue to play a part in detecting COVID-19 cases early and preventing from spreading.